Trip to Amsterdam

Amsterdam Central Station
Every city of Netherland it seems has a cetrum/central – which is one of the most happening places of the town. Usually, the main train station is also in centrum. So you have Stations like Amsterdam Central, Den Haag Central, Rotterdam Central, Utrecht Central …

Canal Bus
Cheapest and fastest way to travel in the city. They will take you to a round tour of the city and you’ll really get the feel of being in Amsterdam.

Madam Tussad’s
2 hours of photo session with all the celebrities .. pretty tiring I should say !!

Rijkes Museum
The first art musesum I visited in my life. Awesome !! Each and every painting has been described in plain and simple english .. so you need not be a leanorda da vinci or M F hussain to understand the paintings and observe them minutely.You can also purchase a handbook on rijkesmuseum containing all the picutres placed in the museum .. which I did .. describing about the paintings and the Golden Period of Netherlands (17th Century).

Anne Frank’s House
I didn’t know Anne Frank’s hiding place was in Amsterdam. They have converted it to a musuem. You can also buy her novel/diary from there which again I did (for 12 Euros).